Friday 15 August 2008

अति सर्वत्र वर्जयेत्

आख़िर कब तक कम्प्यूटर/इन्टरनेट कामधेनु गाय की तरह मनचाही वस्तु देती रह सकती है? हरेक चीज़ की एक सीमा भी तो होती है? अंग्रेज़ी में इसे Trade-Off कहते हैं। कीमत दिए बिना कुछ लेना असभ्यता है.
मनोवैज्ञानिकों ने ऐसे ही एक मानसिक रोग को पहचाना है जो इन्टरनेट की उपज मानी जाती है। इसकी सबसे खतरनाक बात ये है की ये आपके रोजमर्रा काम-काज की शक्ल अख्तियार करके आपके मानिंद जज्ब हो सकता है और काफ़ी गहरे पैठ सकता है। आप इससे खुशफ़हमी में रह सकते हैं की सब कुछ सामान्य है लेकिन...लेकिन आगे ख़ुद ही पढ़ लें और अंत में अपना परीक्षण भी कर लें :
Internet addiction is really real. In March, the American Journal of Psychiatry said that Internet addition is a compulsive-impulsive disorder and thus belongs in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Good thing for newly-minted addicts that now there’s therapy for such a thing.
Illinois Institute for Addiction Recovery has developed the first rehab program for Internet addicts, using the twelve-step program that’s been in place for over a decade. Treatment requires getting rid of an addict’s home computer. Unsurprisingly, Internet addicts resist this. In fact, “the person who is addicted to his or her computer is going to have the same ‘high’ as the drug addict who is about to go see their drug dealer,”said therapist Tonya Camacho.
Interestingly, Internet addicts tend to be divided by gender:
“The women who come here mostly have online shopping or chat-room addictions,” said Coleen Moore, the coordinator of resource development at the Illinois Institute. “The men we treat [suffer] from Internet gaming, gambling and pornography.”
South Korea considers Internet addiction to be one of its most serious public health issues. In 2006, about 210,000 South Koreans were declared Internet addicts, and 80 percent of them needed medication while the rest were hospitalized. About 10 million Chinese teenagers are reportedly addicted to the Internet, so in 2007, China decided to restrict computer gaming to less than 3 hours a day.
It’s no LOL matter: The Center for Internet Addiction Recovery treats a range of addictions from cybersex and cyberporn to online affairs to online gambling to compulsive surfing. We took an
Internet Addiction Test, a survey given by the center, and scored 30 points, making us “an average on-line user. [We] may surf the Web a bit too long at times, but [we] have control over [our] usage.” Worried that you might need therapy? Take the test yourself.

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